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Suncine Film Festival

Our documentary film The Green Divde will show in the "Miradas" section of the Barcelona film festival devoted to environmental issues



A Barcelona-based research lab focused on urban environmental justice


The Green Divide

Would you like to host a screening of our new documentary on green gentrification? Contact us!


Al Jazeera feature

Our director Isabelle Anguelovski interviewed for Al Jazeera's report on climate justice in megacities


Article in Nature

Read our open access article on Green gentrification in European and North American cities


StoryMaps of Urban Justice Struggles

Visit our ArcGis StoryMaps, a critical mapping tool document environmental justice struggles in Barcelona


Toolkit for Urban Green Justice

Our new report provides planners and policymakers with 50 tools that fight displacement and green gentrification


To Green Or Not To Green

A short documentary on four struggles of urban injustice in Barcelona


10 Drivers of Urban Injustice

A series of videos outlining the top 10 drivers of urban injustice with our partner project UrbanA


We develop novel research on environmental and climate justice that builds on urban planning, policy and studies in social inequality, uneven development and public health.


Research Lines

Environmental Gentrification

Examining gentrification, displacement, and exclusion in climate-responsive and green infrastructure projects.

Urban Health & Equity

Assessing the impacts of urban environments and interventions on the health of historically marginalized groups

Social Struggles

Exploring how communities challenge contentious infrastructure projects and neoliberal urbanism to create more  just urban futures

Housing Inequalities

Analyzing the socio-spatial dynamics of housing precariousness in the context of the climate crisis.

Featured Videos

Short videos about our work


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