We are proud to share that Isabelle Anguelovski is one of the authors selected for the U.S. Global Change Research Program‘s first-ever National Nature Assessment (NNA1), which aims to shed light on the current challenges posed by climate change and nature loss.
The NNA1 will provide a holistic picture of America’s lands, waters, wildlife, and ecosystems and the benefits they provide to the economy, health, climate, environmental justice, and national security. The Assessment will also look ahead at how nature might change in the future, and what those changes may mean for our economy and people’s lives.
BCNUEJ director at ICTA-UAB and ICREA researcher Isabelle Anguelovski, is one of over 150 experts selected by the 11 leaders of the chapters in consultation with federal leadership, and who come from a range of organizations across the United States —from universities to federal, and state government, national laboratories, businesses, and nonprofits.
Anguelovski will be participating in the chapter on Nature and Equity, led by Chris Schell, Assistant Professor at the University of California, Berkeley. Together with the other authors, they will bring deep experience and expertise in fields like ecology, health, economics, nature-based solutions, urban systems, environmental justice, agriculture, engineering, and much more. The author team also includes Indigenous Knowledge holders with place-based knowledge reflecting local experiences with nature.
Over the next two years, NNA1 authors will take stock of what nature provides in terms of its inherent worth, culture, health, and well-being, jobs and livelihoods, safety, and more, while looking ahead to understand how these benefits might change in the future. The final report is expected in late 2026.
Read more at the ICTA-UAB news site.