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Ilenia Iengo

Ilenia is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie PhD fellow of WEGO-ITN in Feminist Political Ecology, at BCNUEJ. She is a chronically ill scholar-activist from Naples in southern Italy, member of the Ecologie Politiche del Presente laboratory and Undisciplined Environments collective. She worked as co-coordinator of the Public Environmental Humanities Project Toxic Bios: a guerrilla narrative mapping contamination, illness and resistance for emancipatory storytelling at EHL KTH in Stockholm.

Her work lies at the crossroad of environmental humanities, feminist political ecology, and disability justice engaging with toxicity, embodiment, and prefigurative urban politics that affirm environmental justice and transfeminist praxes. Some of her work is published on Environmental Humanities, Journal of Political Ecology, Environmental Justice, Uneven Earth and Euronomade. (Languages: Italian, English, Spanish, French)


  • Feminist Political Ecology
  • Environmental Justice
  • Participatory Action Research
  • Autoethnography
  • Crip and Queer Ecologies

Affiliated Projects

Selected Publications

  • Iengo, I. (2022). Endometriosis and environmental violence: An embodied, situ-ated ecopolitics from the land of fires. Environmental Humanities, 14(2), 341–360
  • Iengo, I. Kotsila P. Nelson I. “Ouch! Eew! Blech! A Trialogue on Porous Technologies, Places and Embodiments”. In Contours of Feminist Political Ecology. Edited by Harcourt, W. Gomez-Becerra, M. Kotsila, P., Elmhirst, R. Agostino, A. Palgrave Macmillan, 2023.
  • Barca, S. Di Chiro, G. Kulkarni, S. Kotsila, P. Iengo, I. Harcourt, W. Leonardelli, I. Sato, C. Voss, A.K. Caring Communities for Radical Change: FPE in Dialogue with Degrowth, In Contours of Feminist Political Ecology. Edited by Harcourt, W. Gomez-Becerra, M. Kotsila, P., Elmhirst, R. Agostino, A. Palgrave Macmillan, 2023.