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Melissa García Lamarca

Research Line Co-leader

Melissa is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow working on the CLIMATEJUSTHOME project at DIST, Polytechnic of Turin, and is a member of the Beyond Inhabitation Lab and an associated researcher with BCNUEJ. With a PhD in Geography from the University of Manchester, she held Spanish- and ERC-funded postdoctoral positions from 2016-2022 at ICTA-UAB with BCNUEJ. Her work untangles the lived experiences of housing financialisation and collective struggles towards housing justice, as well as the financial and real estate related dimensions of urban green inequalities.

She is a co-founder and editorial member of the Radical Housing Journal editorial, and has twenty years of experience working as a consultant in a sustainability workers cooperative, a researcher, teacher and project coordinator in Spain, Canada and internationally. Melissa is co-leader of the “Financialization, Housing Justice and Climate Change” and “Feminist and Urban Political Ecology” research lines at BCNUEJ. (Languages: Cat, Spa, Eng)


  • Housing financialisation
  • Climate just housing
  • Urban political ecology
  • Green finance

Affiliated Projects