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We develop novel research and methods on urban environmental and climate justice, combining participatory research, community-centered qualitative data, critical spatial mapping, and quantitative and mixed-methods tools, and an overarching commitment to decolonial, anti-racist, and feminist scholarship and social change.

Environmental Gentrification and Climate-Linked Displacement

We examine gentrification and exclusion in climate-responsive infrastructure projects, with particular regard to nature-based solutions and green infrastructure projects. We also look at broader global and local dynamics of exclusion and displacement within and across cities due to the combination of climate impacts, uneven development, legacies of segregation and discrimination, and new climate interventions. Many of our studies distill civic, policy, and planning initiatives to contest environmental and climate gentrification and displacement and create more inclusive green cities.

Urban Environments, Health, and Equity

We critically assess the impacts of urban environments on health and well being, with particular regard for equity in marginalized urban populations. We pay particular attention to unequal socio-natures and their alternatives, focusing on everyday, embodied experiences, health impacts, and situated knowledges. Much of our work examines which policy interventions are able to improve equitable, long-term access to the benefits of urban nature and other environmental resources and sustainability interventions as residents also face the impacts of the environmental crisis on their health.

Infrastructures and Social Stuggles for Just Urban Societies

We critically analyze how infrastructure projects transform urban and rural places, socio-natures and livelihoods and the persistent structural factors that continue to push for unquestioned growth. We also explore the role of grassroots activism in contesting environmental, spatial, and social inequities resulting from  neoliberal urbanism, extractivism, and infrastructure-led urban development. Many of our studies actively engage with communities and social movements to understand how they challenge the prevailing paradigms of many gray and green infrastructure projects while also proposing alternatives towards more just urban societies.

Housing Inequalities and Climate Change

We analyze the production of urban inequality in the context of urban development and the socio-spatial dynamics of housing precariousness, especially as those become worsened by climate impacts and policy and planning responses to the climate crisis. We specifically unpack the dynamics and impacts of financial processes on secure housing access and affordability, urban development, and everyday life in the context of climate adaptation and mitigation and green branding. Many studies we undertake examine alternative, sustainable housing models; socially just retrofits and equity-driven green energy projects; and planning and policy measures to guarantee housing rights and affordability in the context of adaptation and mitigation interventions.

From heat racism and heat gentrification to urban heat justice in the USA and Europe

Shifting perceptions of green and blue spaces during the COVID-19 pandemic in gentrifying neighbourhoods

Experiences of inclusion and exclusion by women and non-binary residents

Industrial Obelisks: Working-class memory and Barcelona’s chimney-monuments

Child-friendly urban practices as emergent place-based neoliberal subjectivation?

Illuminating radical spatial imaginaries:

Counter-mapping urban environmental justice struggles for the city yet to come

Exploring ownership of change and health equity implications in neighborhood change processes:

A community-led approach to enhancing just climate resilience in Everett, MA

Nature-based climate shelters?

Exploring urban green spaces as cooling solutions for older adults in a warming city

Decoding the 15-Minute City Debate:

Conspiracies, Backlash, and Dissent in Planning for Proximity

The Multi-Scalar Inequities of Climate Adaptation Finance: A Critical Review

Learning from nine initiatives that are paving the way for a sustainable and just future

Unequal access to cultural ecosystem services of green spaces within the city of Rome

A spatial social media-based analysis

Perceived urban ecosystem services and disservices in gentrifying neighborhoods

Contrasting views between community members and state informants

A guide to creating inclusive and effective climate shelters

Redefining success in organizing towards degrowth

Life Satisfaction and Socio-Economic Vulnerability:

Evidence from the Basic Income Experiment in Barcelona

Seeking refuge? The potential of urban climate shelters to address intersecting vulnerabilities

A study on gender inclusivity in urban greening in Barcelona

Greening plans as (re)presentation of the city:

Toward an inclusive and gender-sensitive approach to urban greenspaces

Equity concerns in transformative planning: Barcelona’s Superblocks under scrutiny

Grassroots mobilization for a just, green urban future:

Building community infrastructure against green gentrification and displacement

Promoting Health Equity Through Preventing or Mitigating the Effects of Gentrification:

A Theoretical and Methodological Guide

(Mis-)belonging to the climate-resilient city:

Making place in multi-risk communities of racialized urban America

The right to the unhealthy deprived city:

An exploration into the impacts of state-led redevelopment projects on the determinants of mental health

Justice should be at the centre of assessments of climate change impacts on health

A tag is worth a thousand pictures:

A framework for an empirically grounded typology of relational values through social media

Residential Proximity to Urban Play Spaces and Childhood Overweight and Obesity in Barcelona, Spain:

A Population-Based Longitudinal Study

Nature-based solutions as discursive tools and contested practices in urban nature’s neoliberalisation processes

UCLG GOLD VI Report: Chapter 7

“We are the Green Capital”:

Navigating the political and sustainability fix narratives of urban greening

Green Gentrification in Barcelona: 1990s-2016

Integrating justice in Nature-Based Solutions to avoid nature-enabled dispossession

Endometriosis and Environmental Violence:

An Embodied, Situated Ecopolitics from the Land of Fires in Campania, Italy

Community climate resilience and environmental education:

Opportunities and challenges for transformative learning

Gender and sex differences in urban greenness’ mental health benefits:

Green gentrification in European and North American cities

Green justice through policy and practice:

A call for further research into tools that foster healthy green cities for all

Advancing urban health equity in the United States in an age of health care gentrification:

A framework and research agenda

Exploring green gentrification in 28 global North cities:

the role of urban parks and other types of greenspaces


Public-Private Partnerships for the Promotion of Nature-based Solutions in Urban Settings


Weaving praxis and knowledges for a situated political ecology

Virtual spill-over effects:

What social media has to do with relational values and global environmental stewardship

Collectively organized endurance through space and time to transform debt relations

Intersectional climate justice:

A conceptual pathway for bridging adaptation planning, transformative action, and social equity

Urban green grabbing:

Residential real estate developers discourse and practice in gentrifying Global North neighborhoods

Nature-based Solutions as Nodes of Green-Blue Infrastructure Networks:

A Cross-scale, Co-creation Approach for Prioritization in the Barcelona Region

Gentrification pathways and their health impacts on historically marginalized residents in Europe and North America:

Global qualitative evidence from 14 cities

Assessing the learning process in transdisciplinary research through a novel analytical approach

Healthy cities after COVID-19 pandemic: the just ecofeminist healthy cities approach

Decolonizing the Green City: From Environmental Privilege to Emancipatory Green Justice

A take-home message from COVID-19 on urban air pollution reduction through mobility limitations and teleworking

Sociodemographic determinants of intraurban variations in COVID-19 incidence: the case of Barcelona

“They Didn’t See It Coming”: Green Resilience Planning and Vulnerability to Future Climate Gentrification

Active use and perceptions of parks as urban assets for physical activity: A mixed-methods study

Mental Health Outcomes in Barcelona: The Interplay between Gentrification and Greenspace

From sustainable development to social-ecological justice:

Addressing taboos and naturalizations in order to shift perspective

Research Summary 2017-2021

A summary of our research on urban justice in Barcelona for policymakers and planners

The relationship between residential proximity to outdoor play spaces and children’s mental and behavioral health:

The importance of neighborhood socio-economic characteristics

Exposure to nature and mental health outcomes during COVID-19 lockdown. A comparison between Portugal and Spain

Natural outdoor environments’ health effects in gentrifying neighborhoods:

Disruptive green landscapes for underprivileged neighborhood residents

SI: The governance and politics of Nature-Based Solutions in the city

Tracing and building up environmental justice considerations in the urban ecosystem service literature: A systematic review

Rail-to-park transformations in 21st century modern cities: Green gentrification on track

Adapting the environmental risk transition theory for urban health inequities:

An observational study examining complex environmental riskscapes in seven neighborhoods in Global North cities

Policy and Planning Tools for Urban Green Justice

Bringing Nature Back to the Metropolis for All

Breaking Down and Building Up: Gentrification, Its drivers, and Urban Health Inequality

Three Histories of Greening and Whiteness in American Cities

The governance of nature-based solutions in the city at the intersection of justice and equity

The European Green Deal as catalyst for climate justice in cities

Community gardening in Hellinikon as a resistance struggle against neoliberal urbanism:

Spatial autogestion and the right to the city in post-crisis Athens, Greece

School greening: Right or privilege?

Examining urban nature within and around primary schools through an equity lens

Quality of Life Benefits of Urban Rooftop Gardening for People With Intellectual Disabilities or Mental Health Disorders

“Everyone wants this market to grow”: The affective post-politics of municipal green bonds

Growing Farming Heroes? Politics of Imaginaries within Farmer Training Programs in California

Les Solucions Basades en la Natura en L’Ambit Municipal

Young families and children in gentrifying neighbourhoods:

How gentrification reshapes use and perception of green play spaces

Whose city? Whose nature? Towards inclusive nature-based solution governance

Advancing the green infrastructure approach in the Province of Barcelona:

Integrating biodiversity, ecosystem functions and services into landscape planning

Clashing temporalities of care and support as key determinants of transformatory and justice potentials in urban gardens

The COVID-19 Pandemic

Power and privilege, gentrification, and urban environmental justice in the global north

Hidden drivers of social injustice

Uncovering unequal cultural ecosystem services behind green gentrification

Real estate crisis resolution regimes and residential REITs:

Emerging socio-spatial impacts in Barcelona

A call to engage: Considering the role of gentrification in public health research

Climate Justice in a Climate Changed World

Towards an Emancipatory Urban Climate Justice Through Adaptation?

The Impact of COVID-19 on Public Space

A Review of the Emerging Questions

Expanding the Boundaries of Justice in Urban Greening Scholarship: Toward an Emancipatory, Antisubordination, Intersectional, and Relational Approach

Weaving notions of justice into urban ecosystem services research and practice

Nature-based solutions as discursive tools and contested practices in urban nature’s neoliberalisation processes

The everyday politics of urban transformational adaptation: Struggles for authority and the Barcelona superblock project

Under one canopy? Assessing the distributional environmental justice implications of street tree benefits in Barcelona

Opinion: Why green “climate gentrification” threatens poor and vulnerable populations

Understanding climate gentrification and shifting landscapes of protection and vulnerability in green resilient Philadelphia

Urban green boosterism and city affordability: For whom is the ‘branded’ green city?

Naturvation Report

International Comparison of Nature-Based Solutions

Toward a green and playful city: Understanding the social and political production of children’s relational wellbeing in Barcelona

Gentrification and health in two global cities: a call to identify impacts for socially-vulnerable residents

Determining the health benefits of green space: Does gentrification matter?

Grabbed urban landscapes: Socio-spatial tensions in green infrastructure planning in Medellín

Socio-spatial legibility, discipline, and gentrification through favela upgrading in Rio de Janeiro

New Scholarly Pathways on Green Gentrification

From landscapes of utopia to the margins of the green urban life: For whom is the new green city?

From Jacobs to the Just City: A foundation for challenging the green planning orthodoxy

Green Trajectories

From Systems Thinking to Systemic Action: Social Vulnerability and the Institutional Challenge of Urban Resilience

Power and privilege in alternative civic practices: Examining imaginaries of change and embedded rationalities in community economies

Greening cities – To be socially inclusive? About the alleged paradox of society and ecology in cities

Assessing green gentrification in historically disenfranchised neighborhoods: a longitudinal and spatial analysis of Barcelona

Are green cities healthy and equitable? Unpacking the relationship between health, green space and gentrification

Can Healthy Cities Be Made Really Healthy?

From Occupying Plazas to Recuperating Housing: Insurgent Practices in Spain

Critical Sustainability, Greening and Climate Planning


Ana Beatriz Pierri-Daunt, Stefan Siedentop (2025) Unravelling urban typologies in Latin American cities: Integrating socioeconomic factors and urban configurations across scales, Applied Geography, Volume 174.


Rosa, B., & Panayotopoulos-Tsiros, D. (2024). Is the terrain still vague? Reconsidering indeterminate spaces, Social & Cultural Geography, 1–21.

Bonnevera, I. “New food cultures” and the absent food citizen: immigrants in urban food policy discourseAgric Hum Values (2024).

Anguelovski, I., Kotsila, P., Lees, L. et al. From heat racism and heat gentrification to urban heat justice in the USA and EuropeNat Cities (2024).

Calderón-Argelich, A.Anguelovski, I.Cuenca, V.-C.Cole, H. V. S.Triguero-Mas, M.Valdivia, B., & Baró, F. (2024). Shifting perceptions of green and blue spaces during the COVID-19 pandemic in gentrifying neighbourhoods: Experiences of inclusion and exclusion by women and non-binary residentsPeople and Nature00120.

Brian Rosa. (2024). Industrial Obelisks: Working-class memory and Barcelona’s chimney-monuments,
Journal of Historical Geography, 2024.

Perez-del-Pulgar, C., Anguelovski, I., & Connolly, J. J. (2024). Child-friendly urban practices as emergent place-based neoliberal subjectivation? Urban Studies, 61(12), 2349-2369.

Matheney, A., Anguelovski, I., Kotsila, P., Sekulova, F., & Oscilowicz, E. (2024). Illuminating radical spatial imaginaries: Counter-mapping urban environmental justice struggles for the city yet to come. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 0(0).

Andréanne C. Breton-Carbonneau, Isabelle Anguelovski, Kathleen O’Brien, Mariangelí Echevarría-Ramos, Nicole Fina, Josée Genty, Andrew Seeder, Andrew Binet, Patrice C. Williams, Helen VS. Cole, Margarita Triguero-Mas, Exploring ownership of change and health equity implications in neighborhood change processes: A community-led approach to enhancing just climate resilience in Everett, MA, Health & Place, Volume 89, 2024, 103294, ISSN 1353-8292

Luma Vasconcelos, Johannes Langemeyer, Helen V.S. Cole, Francesc Baró, Nature-based climate shelters? Exploring urban green spaces as cooling solutions for older adults in a warming city, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, Volume 98, 2024, 128408, ISSN 1618-8667

Marquet, O., Anguelovski, I., Nello-Deakin, S., & Honey-Rosés, J. (2024). Decoding the 15-Minute City Debate: Conspiracies, Backlash, and Dissent in Planning for ProximityJournal of the American Planning Association, 1–9.

Venner, K., García-Lamarca, M. & Olazabal, M. The Multi-Scalar Inequities of Climate Adaptation Finance: A Critical ReviewCurr Clim Change Rep (2024).

Mary Kathryn Rodgman, Isabelle Anguelovski, Carmen Pérez-del-Pulgar, Galia Shokry, Melissa Garcia-Lamarca, James J.T. Connolly, Francesc Baró, Margarita Triguero-Mas, Perceived urban ecosystem services and disservices in gentrifying neighborhoods: Contrasting views between community members and state informants. Ecosystem Services, Volume 65


Amorim-Maia, A. T.Anguelovski, I.Chu, E., & Connolly, J. (2023). Governing intersectional climate justice: Tactics and lessons from BarcelonaEnvironmental Policy and Governance119

Filka Sekulova, Isabelle Anguelovski, Lucía Argüelles, Redefining success in organizing towards degrowth, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, Volume 48, 2023, 100764, ISSN 2210-4224

Seeking refuge? The potential of urban climate shelters to address intersecting vulnerabilities (Landscape and Urban Planning)

Life Satisfaction and Socio-Economic Vulnerability: Evidence from the Basic Income Experiment in Barcelona (Applied Research in Quality of Life)

Greening plans as (re)presentation of the city: Toward an inclusive and gender-sensitive approach to urban greenspaces (Urban Forestry & Urban Greening)

Equity concerns in transformative planning: Barcelona’s Superblocks under scrutiny (Cities & Health)

Grassroots mobilization for a just, green urban future: Building community infrastructure against green gentrification and displacement (Journal of Urban Affairs)

Promoting Health Equity Through Preventing or Mitigating the Effects of Gentrification: A Theoretical and Methodological Guide (Annual Review of Public Health)

(Mis-)belonging to the climate-resilient city: Making place in multi-risk communities of racialized urban America (Journal of Urban Affairs)

The right to the unhealthy deprived city: An exploration into the impacts of state-led redevelopment projects on the determinants of mental health (Social Science & Policy)

Justice should be at the centre of assessments of climate change impacts on health (The Lancet)


Iengo, I. Armiero, M. Toxic Bios: Traversing toxic time-scapes through corporeal storytelling. In Toxic Timescapes. Examining Toxicity in Time and Space (Ohio University Press)

Exploring green gentrification in 28 global North cities: the role of urban parks and other types of greenspaces (Environmental Research Letters)

A tag is worth a thousand pictures: A framework for an empirically grounded typology of relational values through social media (Ecosystem Services)

Residential Proximity to Urban Play Spaces and Childhood Overweight and Obesity in Barcelona, Spain: A Population-Based Longitudinal Study (International Journal for Environmental Research and Public Health)

Nature-based solutions as discursive tools and contested practices in urban nature’s neoliberalisation processes (Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space)

“We are the Green Capital”: Navigating the political and sustainability fix narratives of urban greening (Cities)

The notion of justice in funded research on urban sustainability: performing on a postpolitical stage or staging the political? (Local Environment, The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability)

Integrating justice in Nature-Based Solutions to avoid natureenabled dispossession (Ambio)

Endometriosis and Environmental ViolenceAn Embodied, Situated Ecopolitics from the Land of Fires in Campania, Italy (Environmental Humanities)

Gender and sex differences in urban greenness’ mental health benefits: A systematic review (Health & Place)

Green gentrification in European and North American cities (Nature Communications)

Green justice through policy and practice: a call for further research into tools that foster healthy green cities for all (Cities & Health)

Advancing urban health equity in the United States in an age of health care gentrification: a framework and research agenda (International Journal for Equity in Health)

Citizen participation in the governance of nature-based solutions (Environmental Policy & Governance, Wiley)

Virtual spill-over effects: What social media has to do with relational values and global environmental stewardship (Ecosystem Services)

Collectively organized endurance through space and time to transform debt relations (Dialogues in Human Geography)


“Weaving praxis and knowledges for a situated political ecology” (TRAME: Pratiche e saperi per un’ecologia politica situata)
Mental Health Outcomes in Barcelona: The Interplay between Gentrification and Greenspace (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health)

The relationship between residential proximity to outdoor play spaces and children’s mental and behavioral health: The importance of neighborhood socio-economic characteristics (Environmental Research)

Exposure to nature and mental health outcomes during COVID-19 lockdown. A comparison between Portugal and Spain (Environment International)

Natural outdoor environments’ health effects in gentrifying neighborhoods: Disruptive green landscapes for underprivileged neighborhood residents (Social Science & Medicine)

SI: The governance and politics of Nature-Based Solutions in the city (Cities)

Tracing and building up environmental justice considerations in the urban ecosystem service literature: A systematic review (Landscape and Urban Planning)

Rail-to-park transformations in 21st century modern cities: Green gentrification on track (Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space)

Adapting the environmental risk transition theory for urban health inequities: An observational study examining complex environmental riskscapes in seven neighborhoods in Global North cities (Social Science & Medicine)

Policy and Planning Tools for Urban Green Justice (ICLEI + BCNUEJ)

Breaking Down and Building Up: Gentrification, Its drivers, and Urban Health Inequality (Built Environment and Health)

Three Histories of Greening and Whiteness in American Cities (Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution)

The governance of nature-based solutions in the city at the intersection of justice and equity (Cities)

The European Green Deal as catalyst for climate justice in cities (CIDOB)

Community gardening in Hellinikon as a resistance struggle against neoliberal urbanism: spatial autogestion and the right to the city in post-crisis Athens, Greece (Urban Geography)

Decolonizing the Green City: From Environmental Privilege to Emancipatory Green Justice (Environmental Justice)

School greening: Right or privilege? Examining urban nature within and around primary schools through an equity lens (Landscape and Urban Planning)


Spatializing gentrification in situ: A critical cartography of resident perceptions of neighbourhood change in Vallcarca, Barcelona (Cities)

Nature-based solutions as discursive tools and contested practices in urban nature’s neoliberalisation processes (Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space)

“Everyone wants this market to grow”: The affective post-politics of municipal green bonds (Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space)

Growing Farming Heroes? Politics of Imaginaries within Farmer Training Programs in California (Annals of the American Association of Geographers)

Defining pathways to healthy sustainable urban development (Environment International)

Young families and children in gentrifying neighbourhoods: how gentrification reshapes use and perception of green play spaces (Local Environment)

Whose city? Whose nature? Towards inclusive nature-based solution governance (Cities)

Advancing the green infrastructure approach in the Province of Barcelona: integrating biodiversity, ecosystem functions and services into landscape planning (Urban Forestry & Urban Greening)

Clashing temporalities of care and support as key determinants of transformatory and justice potentials in urban gardens (Cities)

The COVID-19 pandemic: power and privilege, gentrification, and urban environmental justice in the global north (Cities & Health)

Hidden drivers of social injustice: Uncovering unequal cultural ecosystem services behind green gentrification (Environmental Science & Policy)

A call to engage: Considering the role of gentrification in public health research (Cities & Health)

Expanding the Boundaries of Justice in Urban Greening Scholarship: Toward an Emancipatory, Antisubordination, Intersectional, and Relational Approach (Annals of the American Association of Geographers)

Weaving notions of justice into urban ecosystem services research and practice (Environmental Science & Policy)

Understanding climate gentrification and shifting landscapes of protection and vulnerability in green resilient Philadelphia (Urban Climate)


A ‘fertile soil’ for sustainability-related community initiatives: A new analytical framework (Environment and Planning A, 2017)

Power and privilege in alternative civic practices: Examining imaginaries of change and embedded rationalities in community economies (Geoforum, 2017)

Greening cities – To be socially inclusive? About the alleged paradox of society and ecology in cities (Habitat Int., 2017)

Assessing Green Gentrification in Historically Disenfranchised Neighborhoods: A longitudinal and spatial analysis of Barcelona (Urban Geography, 2017)

When we cannot have it all: Ecosystem services trade-offs in the context of spatial planning (Ecosyst. Serv., 2017)

Assessing the Potential of Regulating Ecosystem Services as Nature-Based Solutions in Urban Areas, in: Kabisch, N., Korn, H., Stadler, J., Bonn, A. (Eds.), Nature-Based Solutions to Climate Change Adaptation in Urban Areas: Linkages between Science, Policy and Practice. (Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2017)

Climate adaptation as strategic urbanism: assessing opportunities and uncertainties for equity and inclusive development in cities (Cities, 2017)

Power and privilege in alternative civic practices: Examining imaginaries of change and embedded rationalities in community economies (Geoforum, 2017)

Biopolitics gone to shit? State narratives versus everyday realities of water and sanitation in the Mekong Delta. (World Development, 2017)

Tracing narratives and perceptions in the political ecologies of health and disease (Journal of Political Ecology, 2017)

Beyond “Socially Constructed” Disasters: Re-politicizing the Debate on Large Dams through a Political Ecology of Risk (Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, 2017)

Health dispossessions and the moralization of disease: the case of diarrhea in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam (Journal of Political Ecology, 2017)

Urban Environment, Health & Equity

Quality of Life Benefits of Urban Rooftop Gardening for People With Intellectual Disabilities or Mental Health Disorders (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020)

A call to engage: Considering the role of gentrification in public health research (Cities & Health, 2020)

Influence of Socio-Economic, Demographic and Climate Factors on the Regional Distribution of Dengue in the United States and Mexico (PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases) under review

Crisis, racist biopolitics and the reappearance of malaria in Greece, (Geoforum) under review

Under one canopy? Assessing the distributional environmental justice implications of street tree benefits in Barcelona (Environmental Science & Policy, 2019)

Gentrification and health in two global cities: a call to identify impacts for socially-vulnerable residents (Cities & Health, 2019)

Determining the health benefits of green space: Does gentrification matter? (Health & Place, 2019)

Do physical activity, social cohesion, and loneliness mediate the association between time spent visiting green space and mental health? (Environment and Behavior, 2019)

Do green neighbourhoods promote urban health justice? (The Lancet Public Health, 2018)

Active commuting through natural environments is associated with better mental health: Results from the PHENOTYPE Project (Environment International, 2018)

Development of the Natural Environment Scoring Tool (NEST) (Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2018)

Effect of public transport strikes on air pollution levels in Barcelona (Science of the Total Environment, 2018)

Can Healthy Cities be made really healthy? (Lancet Public Health, 2017)

Are green cities healthy and equitable? Unpacking the relationship between health, green space and gentrification (Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 2017)

Health dispossessions and the moralization of disease: the case of diarrhea in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam (Journal of Political Ecology, 2017)

Longitudinal and Spatial Analysis Assessing Green Gentrification in Historically Disenfranchised Neighborhoods of Barcelona: Implications for Health Equity (Journal of Transport and Health, 2017)

Does time spent on visits to green space mediate the associations between the level of residential greenness and mental health? (Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2017)

Living close to natural outdoor environments in four European cities: adults’ contact with the environments and physical activity. (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2017)

Natural outdoor environments and mental health: stress as a possible mechanism (Environmental Research, 2017)

Health impacts related to urban and transport planning: A burden of disease assessment (Environment International, 2017)

Exploring pathways linking greenspace to health: Theoretical and methodological guidance (Environmental Research, 2017)

Validating novel air pollution sensors to improve exposure estimates for epidemiological analyses and citizen science (Environmental Research, 2017)

Neighbourhood green space, social environment and mental health: an examination in four European cities (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2017)

The relationship between natural outdoor environments and cognitive functioning and its mediators (Environmental Research, 2017)

The effect of randomised exposure to different types of natural outdoor environments compared to exposure to an urban environment on people with indications of psychological distress in Catalonia (PLOS One, 2017)

Fifty shades of green; pathway to a healthy urban living (Epidemiology, 2017)

Urban and transport planning related exposures and mortality: a health impact assessment for cities (Environmental Health Perspectives, 2017)

Neighborhood Socioeconomic Disadvantage, Neighborhood Racial Composition and Hypertension Stage, Awareness, and Treatment among Hypertensive Black Men in New York City: Does Nativity Matter? (Journal Racial Ethnic Health Disparities, 2016)

Rights to Home, Place, and Identity in Cities

New Methodologies